
Fma ed 1
Fma ed 1

fma ed 1 fma ed 1 fma ed 1

The camera pans out and swerves, revealing General Olivier Mira Armstrong atop the tank, sword out and commanding it to fire. One spectacular scene transition stands out after a shot of Buccaneer and Miles standing side by side, a tank barrel enters the frame from the edge. It does so deftly indeed, the most memorable part of the sequence is the spotlight of the newly-introduced Fort Briggs characters. The third Brotherhood OP is Golden Time Lover by Sukima Switch, and the sequence plays before Episodes 27-38. By this point, Brotherhood had gone in a completely different, manga-accurate path to the first anime like Undo, Golden Time Lover has the burden of introducing plenty of new supporting characters. The shot of the Homunculi is very similar to Melissa’s Envy and Gluttony lunge at the camera followed by a close-up of Lust, misleadingly painting her as the main villain. The very last bit is a rapid montage alternating close-ups of Ed and Al, played over the concluding drum beat. Winry sometimes shows up, emphasizing her friendship with the brothers, while Armstrong, Hawkeye, Hughes, and finally Mustang also receive successive hero shots. There are many shots of the Elrics running together, emphasizing the faster pacing. RELATED: Fullmetal Alchemist: 5 Characters Alex Armstrong Could Defeat (& 5 He'd Lose To) Before the music picks up, the opening begins with a Neon Genesis Evangelion homage (Ed and Al's bodies floating up and down along the sides of the screen, like Rei and Asuka in The Cruel Angel's Thesis). The song and animation alike are faster-paced than Melissa, while also better elaborating on the character’s personalities. The second Fullmetal Alchemist opening, set to L'Arc-en-Ciel's Ready Steady Go, plays in front of Episodes 14 to 25.

Fma ed 1