
Steven universe peridot and amethyst
Steven universe peridot and amethyst


Lapis Lazuli is a deep, vivid blue, Peridot is lime green, and Jasper is orange with a red tiger-stripe pattern. Amethyst is purple and Pearl is pearly white.


  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Humans are portrayed with skin colors that are either realistic or slightly off from real life, but Gems have all kinds.
  • Possibly justified by the apparent artificial nature of their creation.
  • All-Natural Gem Polish: As described in Bizarre Alien Reproduction below, Gems, such as Amethyst, are sprouted directly from the ground and all so far appear to be worked into unique cuts.
  • steven universe peridot and amethyst

    Alien Fair Folk: They at first appeared to be some sort of magical fae-like race, but were revealed as aliens halfway into the first season.The Ageless: Gems do not age, and are born as adults.


    Even merely cracking a gemstone greatly increases the likelihood that it will break completely, both because of how easily the crack spreads and the incapacitating effects on their bodies.

  • Achilles' Heel: Destroy or damage their gemstones and they're screwed.
  • Other Click to Expand Red Eye, Crystal Shrimp, Smoke Monster, Frybo, Holo-Pearl, Robot Shooty Thing, Rose's Room, Watermelon Stevens, Robonoids, the Light, Jungle Moon Aliens, Caterpillar Aliens, Fable, Shell, Cactus Steven, Topiary Stevens, Toon Garnet, Hopper, Hoppy, Ringo, The Foxman.Ī race of immortal, shape-shifting mineral-based aliens originating from a place only known as the "Gem Homeworld".
  • Priyanka Maheswaran, Doug Maheswaran), Beach City Funland (Harold Smiley), Fish Stew Pizza (Kofi Pizza, Jenny Pizza, Kiki Pizza, Nanefua Pizza), The Deweys (Bill Dewey, Buck Dewey), Fish & Chips (Onion, Yellowtail, Sour Cream, Vidalia), Beach City Post Office (Jamie, Barb Miller), Other Residents of Beach City (Suitcase Sam, Jane), Past Characters (Captain William Dewey, First Mate Buddy Buddwick), Other Characters (Kevin, Marty, Jeff, Quentin Frowney, Mystery Girl, Onion's Gang, Zoomans, Sunshine Justice, Shep). Fryman, Peedee Fryman, Ronaldo Fryman), The Maheswarans (Dr.

    steven universe peridot and amethyst

    DeMayo), The Big Donut (Sadie Miller), Beach Citywalk Fries (Mr. Humans Click to Expand The Universes/The DeMayos (Andy DeMayo, Mr.Little Homeworld Click to Expand Centipeetle, Orange Spodumene/Worm Monster, Heaven and Earth Beetles, Watermelon Tourmaline/Giant Pufferfish, Larimar/Ice Monster, Alpine Quartzes, Snowflake Obsidian, Biggs Jasper, Ocean Jasper, Cherry Quartz, Blue Lace Agate, Zebra Jasper, Crazy Lace Agate, Lace Amethyst, Ruby Bodyguards, Nice Lapis Lazuli.Gem Monsters Click to Expand Corrupted Gems (Pyramid Gem, Desert Glass, Cave Creature, Big Bird, Invisible Monster, Lighthouse Monster, Water Bear, The Slinker, Crab Monster, Squid Monster, Tongue Monster, Flower Monster, Kaiju Monster) Cluster Gems (Cluster Gems, The Cluster).Off Colors Click to Expand Rutile Twins, Rhodonite, Padparadscha, Fluorite, Lars Barriga.Blue Diamond's Court Click to Expand Blue Pearl, Blue's Ruby Guards, Holly Blue Agate, Defense Zircon, The Famethyst, Aquamarine, Comby, The Lazulis.Yellow Diamond's Court Click to Expand Yellow Pearl, Ruby Squad, Topazes, Prosecuting Zircon, Emerald, Squaridot, Hessonite, Citrine Guards, Eye Jasper.Homeworld Gems Click to Expand Pink Diamond's Pearl, White Pearl, Bubbled Rose Quartzes, Pebbles, Morganite, Jades, Aubergine Pearl, Flint and Chert, Lonely Pearl, Demantoid and Pyrope.Gem Fusions Click to Expand Opal, Sugilite, Sardonyx, Rainbow Quartz, Rainbow Quartz 2.0, Alexandrite, Stevonnie, Smoky Quartz, Sunstone, Obsidian, Obsidian 2.0, Garnet, Malachite, Three-Ruby Fusion, Five-Ruby Fusion, Zebra Jasper, Topaz Fusion, Lemon Jade, Steg, Mega Pearl, Bluebird Azurite.Crystal Gems and Allies Click to Expand Ruby, Sapphire, Bismuth, Lion, Pumpkin, Cat Steven, Pink Steven.

    steven universe peridot and amethyst

    It is highly recommended that you watch those episodes before reading these sheets. Warning: All spoilers for the first two seasons and some for later seasons are unmarked. From left to right: Lapis Lazuli, Peridot, Jasper, Steven Universe, Greg Universe, Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Connie Maheswaran.

    Steven universe peridot and amethyst